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Building a wooden boat should be a rewarding experience... I'm about to find out! Follow along as I build my first wooden drift boat for fly fishing!

Get an inside look at high end drift boats as they are being built at Cajune Boatbuilders and order your own custom boat, kit or plans to build your own stitch and glue drifter.

Finding wooden drift boat plans was easy! There are plenty out there to choose from.

Say you are on the river or lake, and you see all kinds of insects flying around. You see bugs in the air and bugs on the water. So you think: "I need to match the hatch" to catch these fish. Which for the uninitiated means: try to match the live flies you are witnessing with a good imitation. Here's my tip: Try something different instead!

There are a wide variety of fish species found in British Columbia including trout, salmon and others. The environment allows fly fishermen a great fly fishing vacation featuring a wonderful outdoor experience, majestic scenery and a flux of astounding fly fishing hatches.

I'll use wood drift boat plans from Butler Projects to build my first wooden drift boat, I'm going to build the Maxi-Mac

Fly fishing CPR: Catch, Photograph, Release. Bring your camera, take your pictures, leave the fish. Some tips for photographing your fishing catches.

Hatch charts can help you plan a fishing trip and tell you what flies you should take with you. Here's a hatch charts 101 overview for fly fishing.

John McEuen, one of the founders of the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, gave me this album years ago. Acoustic Traveler is one of my favorites.

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