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casting tips

Let's go over some of the basic fly casting techniques. Most of the links provided in this article go to videos so you can actually see the right way to cast a fly rod.

Following is a good, basic video showing the steps involved for nymph fishing. Nymph fishing is a challenging technique of fishing with the fly underwater. Bring your waders!

Here are several things you can do to prevent fish from becoming aware of your approach.

Upstream wet fly fishing creates a challenge for most, but it certainly has its benefits. Here's what you need to know to try your hand at wet fly fishing upstream.

How to do downstream casting when using wet flies. Plus, how to 'mend the line' and do a 'wet fly swing' when fly fishing.

A dry fly is also known as a floating fly. Dry flies are the best ones to use if you are fishing on running water during the hatch. Here's why, plus tips for presenting a dry fly on running water.

When you're fly fishing in salt water, it can be difficult to locate fish -- because in salt water, fish have a vast territory to move around. Here's how to locate and catch saltwater fish species, plus tips for fishing with the tides.

If you are fishing a fly below the water surface, you are wet fly fishing. Wet fly fishing is more about how you fish the fly rather than the fly itself. Most of the time, wet fly anglers are more successful because fish feed under the film and feast on smaller fish, terrestrials, aquatic bugs, shrimp, crayfish and tadpoles.

Everything from how to present the fly to casting tips when using wet flies versus dry flies. How to find fishing buddies, choose the right gear, and more!