You and a group of friends are planning a fly fishing trip. You’ve sat and talked about a destination but haven’t made a final choice. How in the world do you decide on just one location?
What follows are a few things that should be considered before you decide on a fly fishing trip destination — including fly fishing guides, lodges, trip planners, and travel experts. Everything you need to know to plan and prepare your next fly fishing trip.
First and foremost, be sure everyone in your fly fishing group has a chance to express their opinion about they they expect.
- What species of fish is your group planning to fish for?
- Some may want to fish for trout; others may not care what kind of fish they catch. Each person should put in his or her 2 cents before definite plans are made. If an agreement can’t be reached, choose a fly fishing destination that you all vote on. Majority rules.
- Consider a fly fishing destination where multiple species of fish can be caught. Some fly fishing destinations have several fish species in one lake.
- Are you looking for trophy fish or great action? This can make a difference in where you want to go. You’ll want to determine whether most of the people in your group would rather spend most of the attempting to catch a single “trophy fish” or spend most of the day catching any type fish one after the other.
- Everyone in the group should take into consideration how much they’re willing to spend on a fly fishing vacation. Some may have lots of spare cash, while others may be on a tight budget. Be respectful and considerate of everyone in the group.
- What about accommodations? Is everyone in the group willing to rough it, or do you want to rent a cabin or stay in a resort?
To help you decide, consider these points:
- Will you and the others in your fly fishing group be comfortable camping where there are no bathroom or shower facilities?
- Are you planning on taking food supplies and cooking over a campfire? Or do you want to eat at restaurants or in dining rooms where the food is prepared and served to you? Remember that cooking your own food means washing dishes and keeping food out of the reach of wildlife.
- Search online for guides, outfitters and lodges in the area that you will be visiting. What discounts are available? When is the best time of year to plan your fly fishing trip? What species of fish are found in the waters of that particular area? Will a fly fishing trip to this destination be within everyone’s budget?
- Once you’ve decided on your fly fishing expedition, be sure to get a list of the rules and regulations for that location. Licenses will be a must. Can you purchase them ahead of time, or do you have to buy them after your arrival? What is the fly fishing limit? What are the rules about catch and release? Be sure you know and follow all the rules so your fly fishing trip won’t be ruined by a hefty fine.
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